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Environmentally concious, sustainable fashion made in the USA.

Once upon a time, we were the innovators of the Green World and dared to speak up and say that a sustainable, ethical, eco way is the healthier way to go for the planet, the environment and all of humanity. In the twenty years since, the team at Solné has stayed at the forefront of the sustainable industry, researching and qualifying ecologically sound products, made from ethically sourced materials, ranging from apparel, to homegoods, to building materials.

By sourcing many of our products from earth friendly manufacturers based in the USA, we are proud to be helping sustain the growing eco industry, while providing honest jobs for American workers.

From the Blog

Water Makes You Happy

I was just having a conversation about why we feel better by water.The argument was whether water feels better or being in the mountains. I'd say water any day. There is no argument that the mounta … read more
